Monday, August 3, 2009

Week 30 - Sharing Our Summer Stories Through Photos!

This is a picture of my daughter and her friend weeding my husbands small garden. He paid them to weed it and then instead of using the time to do something else, he just sat out there and watched them. I still think there is a "priceless" MasterCard commercial in there somewhere!


Yelena R. said...

Hahaha, that is pretty hilarious :) Truly a priceless moment!

Shannon said...

sounds to me like a smart man! Pay the kids to do the dirty work! LOL

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture, reminds me of working in my mom's garden as a child.

Foursons said...

OMG- that is too funny! I love that he's sitting there watching. Hahahahahaha

the monkeys' mama said...

okay now that is hilarious. I loved that story!

jen@odbt said...

I like how he operates. Someone had to supervise, right?

Rachelle said...

Great shot... can't wait to see the commercial.